10129 Attention! The configuration can only be saved with administrator rights.
10143 This edit box does not contain valid data!
10145 Please select the remote computer where to send the message to!
10155 The entered value is invalid. Possible values: %d to %d days.
10171 The entered password was not correctly confirmed! Please confirm your password again.
10208 Please select a directory.
11014 Password
11015 Security
11016 Extended threat categories
11020 Directories
11021 Alerts
11022 Network
11025 Email
11026 Email
11030 General
11032 Send Email to $#SPECIALSHORTNAME$
11034 $#PRODUCTSHORTNAME$ will report all marked types of unwanted programs. The other types will be ignored. Viruses and other malware will be reported in any case.
11038 Attention! When changing this path, you have to copy all of your data to the new directory. Otherwise they will be lost.